Friday, December 27, 2019

Gender Through A Trans Women s Experience And Back Ground...

Linthorne 1 In this paper, I will be critically considering the perspective of gender through a trans women’s experience and back ground from my personal favorite show, â€Å"Sense 8†. During this process, I will be explaining how people are represented by the images, stereotypes, and social norms which are conveyed in this series, while also considering the questions provided in Supplement 21 of the course text. â€Å"Sense 8† is a television series created by a trans women named Lana Wachowski, a very outstanding women I might add. In an article I’ve previously read online, I read a quote she said in an interview; â€Å"the pathology of a society that refuses to acknowledge the spectrum of gender in the exact same blind way they have refused to see a spectrum of race or sexuality.† (Stewart) which makes me love this show even more, as it is written in the reflection of Lana Wachowski’s life as she can relate so personally to each character. â€Å"Sense 8† revolves around eight very diverse characters â€Å"in terms of location, culture, race, economic situation, sexual orientation and occupation† (Stewart), who are mentally and emotionally linked together. Though all 8 of these characters are very interesting, and could also easily be discussed in my paper, I will only be focussing on one character in general, trans actress Jamie Clayton, who plays the role of a trans women, Nomie, or formally known as Michael. My reasoning for choosing Nomie as my main topic is simply to share how kind, andShow MoreRelatedMaterial Protected Under International And Federal Copyright Laws And Treaties8891 Words   |  36 Pagesmaterial is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. 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